Statistical Methodology

The CEMSE STAT program fosters a vibrant research environment dedicated to pushing the boundaries of statistical methodologies through cutting-edge research.

Research Focus

  • Computational Statistics: Focuses on using computational methods to analyze and interpret statistical data. This research area combines statistics and computer science to handle large datasets and complex models, which are crucial for fields like machine learning, bioinformatics and data mining.
  • Bayesian Deep Learning: Merges Bayesian statistics with deep learning to enhance neural network models with uncertainty estimation, improving predictions and decision-making in various domains.
  • Stochastic Processes: Study the evolution of systems where randomness plays a crucial role. It involves analyzing and modeling random phenomena evolving over time or space. This area is vital in various fields, including finance, biology, physics, and telecommunications, to understand uncertainty and make predictions about future events.
  • Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics: Focuses on analyzing data that have spatial and temporal dimensions. It aims to model and understand patterns, relationships, and variations across space and time, often used in fields like environmental science, climate science, and renewable energies.