Raphaël Huser Associate Professor, Statistics Statistics of extremes extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics data science machine learning copulas Environmental Statistics geostatistics applications to finance applications to neuroscience
Raul Tempone Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences numerical analysis Computational finance computational statistics stochastic differential equations uncertainty quantification bayesian inference data assimilation hierarchical and sparse approximation optimal control optimal experimental design stochastic optimization
Rishikesh Yadav Ph.D. Student, Statistics spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics bayesian inference
Rishikesh Yadav Ph.D. Student, Statistics spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics bayesian inference
Ruiman Zhong Ph.D. Student, Statistics Spatial data fusion clustering algorithms spatio-temporal data analysis
Sameh Abdulah Research Scientist, Hierarchical Computations on Manycore Architectures exageostat extreme computing parallel algorithms large-scale computing machine learning Statistical computing
Sipan Aslan Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Time Series Analysis Causal Connectivity Dynamic Clustering
Souhaib Ben Taieb Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics STSDS smart grids machine learning big data
Stefano Castruccio Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Environmental Statistics Space- time Models Statistical Methods for Imaging Data
Tareq Al-Naffouri Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering statistical signal processing communications tracking wireless networks Localization
Vaibhav Mehandiratta Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Stochastic fractional differential equations Metric graphs numerical analysis optimal control problems
Wagner Barreto-Souza Research Scientist, Statistics Time Series Survival analysis Regression Models Applied Probability
Wu Wang Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Environmental Statistics spatial varying coefficients regression
Xin Gao Program Chair, Computer Science bioinformatics Computational biology machine learning big data
Yan Gong Ph.D. Student, Statistics extreme-value theory Statistics of extremes copulas Bayesian Statistics risk assessment
Yan Gong Ph.D. Student, Statistics extreme-value theory Statistics of extremes copulas Bayesian Statistics risk assessment
Ying Sun Associate Professor, Statistics spatio-temporal statistics environmental applications computational statistics
Zhuldyzay Baki M.S. Student, Statistics Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics