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Metric graphs, numerical analysis, optimal control problems, Stochastic fractional differential equations
Applied Probability, Regression Models, Survival analysis, Time Series
spatio-temporal statistics, statistics
Environmental Statistics, spatial varying coefficients regression
spatio-temporal statistics, Statistical Modeling
big data, bioinformatics, Computational biology, machine learning
Statistics of extremes
Bayesian Statistics, copulas, extreme-value theory, risk assessment, Statistics of extremes
spatial statistics, subsampling
artificial intelligence, Generative AI and LLMs
artificial intelligence, machine learning, software
Analytics in business, Digital optimization and transformation
computational statistics, environmental applications, spatio-temporal statistics
Time Series
Environmental Statistics, statistics
bioengineering, bioinformatics, machine learning
Bayesian computational statistics, data analysis
graphical models, spatial statistics, Statistics of extremes
Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics, Statistics of extremes
Functional data, nonparametric statistics, robust statistics, spatio-temporal statistics, statistics
nonparametric statistics, robust statistics, Time Series Analysis
graphical models, high dimensional statistics, spatio-temporal statistics
Ziyuan Shi