Mehdi Moodaaliat, Assistant Professor, Marquette University
Xiaohui Chang, Assistant Professor, College of Business at Oregon State University
B1 L4 R4102
B9 H1 R2322
numerical methods stochastic differential equations statistics
Yuan Yan, PhD Student of Prof. Marc Genton, KAUST
B2 L5 R5220
spatio-temporal data analysis statistics
Edsel A. Peña, iProfessor in the Department of Statistics, University of South Carolina
statistics Bayesian computational statistics inductive inference
Prof. David Bolin, Statistics, KAUST
B9 L2 H1 R2322
statistics SPDEs
B3 L5 R5220
functional data analysis multivariate functional data statistics
B2 B3 A0215
statistics data science big data modeling complex data
B18 R4203
statistics data science modeling big data sustainability health environment
Computer science statistics applied mathematics computational science
data analysis visuanimation statistics
biomedicine statistics bioscience brain science
Spotlight News
statistics spatio-temporal statistics Bayesian computational statistics
statistics numerical methods stochastic differential equations
statistics marine science
applied mathematics statistics precipitation
statistics landslide susceptibility modeling
statistics applied mathematics
statistics applied mathematics climatology
applied mathematics statistics industry
applied mathematics statistics
weather statistics applied mathematics
statistics computing applied mathematics
statistics healthcare
simulation statistics
statistics climate science extreme events
award Environmental Statistics statistics
statistics award
statistics data
statistics earth science and engineering nursing
computing statistics engineering
statistics wind
student award statistics Environmental Statistics
statistics spatial statistics Spatial extremes
News Spotlight
statistics air pollution
statistics weather
Awards News Spotlight
High Performance Computing statistics
statistics climate science weather
statistics computing healthcare
student award statistics
Environmental Statistics statistics
computing earth science statistics Environmental Statistics
statistics neuroscience brain science
statistics extreme weather air pollution xstat research highlights
statistics energy security
statistics extreme weather
statistics Bayesian computational statistics healthcare ecology
statistics data analysis
neuroscience statistics
virtual reality statistics
INLA statistics xstat research highlights
award statistics
statistics brain science environmental science
Computer science statistics environment
statistics Environmental Statistics
brain science bioscience statistics
Awards Spotlight News
statistics visualization computational predictions
disaster management Environmental Statistics statistics
data science statistics
salinity tolerance statistics future food
renewable energy wind energy statistics
statistics big data Computer science
extreme events climate science statistics
energy security climate science statistics
climate science statistics
Deep learning statistics machine learning
machine learning artificial intelligence statistics human health
statistics extreme statistics
statistics data science
water security Environmental Statistics statistics
big data statistics
big data Red Sea climate science statistics
extreme statistics big data statistics
neuroscience extreme computing statistics
Environmental Statistics big data statistics
big data Environmental Statistics statistics
extreme weather climate change statistics
cybersecurity machine learning Deep learning statistics
proteins statistics cancer human health
human health Environmental Statistics climate change statistics
extreme statistics modeling big data statistics
big data modeling statistics
human health machine learning statistics
Environmental Statistics big data modeling statistics
extreme weather modeling modeling climate science statistics
neuroscience machine learning human health statistics
award statistics environment
statistics geospatial statistics health surveillance
climate change Environmental Statistics modeling statistics
statistics Functional data robust statistics nonparametric statistics spatio-temporal statistics
spatio-temporal statistics statistics
machine learning optimization statistics big data
statistics Deep learning
computational statistics spatio-temporal statistics Environmental Statistics statistics
data science spatio-temporal statistics statistics
Bayesian computational statistics statistics geospatial statistics health surveillance spatio-temporal disease data
Bayesian computational statistics statistics
spatio-temporal statistics Environmental Statistics statistics machine learning
6g wireless systems cloud- and fog-radio access networks cross-layer optimization Cooperative networks machine learning Optical communications
Computer Vision machine learning AI for healthcare deep learning Medical imaging
machine learning Computer Vision AI4Science
Computer Vision machine learning Deep generative models
Signal processing Wireless Communications machine learning
machine learning neural network
machine learning software artificial intelligence
embedded systems IoT energy efficiency machine learning artificial intelligence intrusion detection computer networks
IoT Biomedical Signal Processing healthcare Digital signal processing machine learning
Localization machine learning
Roy Maxion, Research Professor, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University
B9 L3 R3223
reproducibility issues reliability testing Computer science complex models artificial intelligence machine learning scientific enterprise
B9 L2 R2322 H1
applied statistics machine learning Gaussian processes
big data machine learning knowledge discovery supercomputing
machine learning big data artificial intelligence comparative genomics biomedical data human health
machine learning big data cloud computing
bioinformatics machine learning computational models
Social media data machine learning artificial intelligence
optimization machine learning big data
machine learning Computer science
algorithms machine learning Computer science
artificial intelligence machine learning
machine learning artificial intelligence
Artificial Neural Network epidemiology artificial intelligence machine learning
machine learning Deep learning Natural Language Processing
Computer science combustion machine learning
machine learning big data
machine learning algorithm modeling Computer science
stochastic gradient descent machine learning
human health Imaging machine learning Computer science
machine learning bioinformatics bioengineering
bioinformatics Computational biology machine learning big data
STSDS smart grids machine learning big data
exageostat extreme computing parallel algorithms large-scale computing machine learning Statistical computing
Statistics of extremes extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics data science machine learning copulas Environmental Statistics geostatistics applications to finance applications to neuroscience
spatio-temporal modeling machine learning artificial intelligence uncertainty quantification computational statistics
optimization machine learning big data algorithms
spatio-temporal statistics Statistics of extremes machine learning Deep learning
living systems machine learning machine intelligence systems medicine genomics artificial intelligence brain-inspired computation Systems neuroscience algorithmic information theory Dynamical Systems spatial transcriptomics single cell biology
Bayesian computational statistics machine learning
machine learning Deep learning applied statistics
Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics
Serge Guillas, Professor of Statistics, University College London (UCL)
uncertainty quantification Environmental Statistics
Environmental Statistics spatial statistics
computational statistics Environmental Statistics
Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics
Environmental Statistics climate science pollution
Environmental Statistics
spatial statistics Environmental Statistics
Statistical Modeling Environmental Statistics
Maximum Likelihood HPC Environmental Statistics
Awards News
Environmental Statistics wind energy
Environmental Statistics spatial varying coefficients regression
Environmental Statistics Space- time Models Statistical Methods for Imaging Data
Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics STSDS
Geomorphology landslide susceptibility modeling environmental modeling Environmental Statistics
Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics Statistical Modeling computational statistics
Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics Statistical Modeling computational statistics INLA
functional data analysis Quantile spectral methods Functional Time Series forecasting Statistical Modeling Environmental Statistics
Environmental Statistics High dimensional Time Series computational statistics
B9, L2, R2322
spatio-temporal statistics
functional data analysis spatio-temporal statistics
B5 L5 R5220
spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics bayesian inference
spatio-temporal statistics environmental applications computational methods
Statistics of extremes spatio-temporal statistics copulas
extreme weather spatio-temporal statistics Statistics of extremes
spatio-temporal statistics computational methods
Gaussian processes spatio-temporal statistics
Statistical Modeling spatio-temporal statistics
spatio-temporal statistics Deep learning
spatio-temporal statistics high dimensional statistics graphical models
spatio-temporal statistics environmental applications computational statistics
spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics computational statistics
spatial statistics Point patterns Functional data R project INLA spatio-temporal statistics Geospatial Data
Bayesian computational statistics geospatial statistics spatio-temporal statistics
Statistics of extremes spatio-temporal statistics
spatio-temporal statistics stochastic differential equations computational statistics
spatio-temporal statistics Bayesian Statistics
Deep learning Generative AI and LLMs artificial intelligence Computer Vision
artificial intelligence Generative AI and LLMs
artificial intelligence TinyML optimization deep learning
semantic analysis artificial intelligence UAV
big data artificial intelligence computational methods health protein structures biology
artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence Computer science
artificial intelligence Video Understanding
precision medicine big data artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence COVID-19
COVID-19 artificial intelligence
digital innovation award smart tap artificial intelligence
IoT agriculture artificial intelligence drones
computational statistics Time Series Data Mining artificial intelligence
Prof. Daniel Peña Sánchez de Rivera, Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Time Series big data
computational and statistical interface big data
big data Computer science
Computer science bioscience
Computer science bioscience genetics
applied mathematics computational science signal processing Computer science
Computer science learning computational science
Computer science genomics proteins
Computer science bioscience biosynthesis
applied mathematics computational science computing Computer science
synthetic biology bioscience Computer science
electrical engineering Computer science radar
machine intelligence knowledge engineering Computer science
communications Computer science
human health cancer Computer science